How to fight against human trafficking?
Trafficking in human beings is related to the national or transnational level of the modern world, and in most cases to organized crime.
Many agreements, protocols, interstate mutual assistance documents and conventions have been signed at the international level to combat human trafficking. All documents emphasize that mutual assistance of states is necessary to combat this crime.
What is human trafficking? What cases are considered human trafficking?
The Council of Europe's Warsaw Convention on the Suppression of Trafficking in Human Beings of 16 May 2005 defines "trafficking in human beings" as follows: or by deception, by abusing one's position or helplessness, or by giving or receiving money or other material means, with the consent of any person under one's care, for the purpose of attracting, transporting, transferring persons for exploitation purposes , concealment or acceptance is understood. "
By the way, Azerbaijan also joined the Convention and the document was approved on May 11, 2010.
Trafficking in human beings violates human rights, dignity and inviolability, and enslaves the victims of this crime. The Convention emphasizes the importance of protecting gender equality and the protection of children's rights in the investigation of such cases.
The crime of human trafficking is sanctioned under Article 144-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
In most cases, the perpetrators use these "arguments" to justify themselves: the victims themselves consented to the exploitation, led an immoral lifestyle, and so on.
However, all these "arguments" cannot be considered as mitigating the punishment of the trafficker. The fact that a person leads a light life or agrees to be exploited cannot be a reason for him to become a victim of human trafficking.
One of the interesting features of the article is that the recruitment, acquisition, detention, concealment, transportation, transfer or acceptance of a minor for the purpose of exploitation is considered HUMAN TRAFFICKING, not kidnapping.
The category of crimes of human trafficking also includes forced labor, illegal acts with documents for the purpose of human trafficking, prostitution, involvement of minors in prostitution, trafficking in child pornography, keeping brothels, coercion to sexual acts, trafficking in human organs or tissues. and forcing them to be taken for transplantation purposes, illegal distribution of pornographic materials or items, slavery, illegal adoption, and dissemination of confidential information about a victim of human trafficking.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement on World Anti-Trafficking Day that "about 72 percent of the victims were women and girls, and the number of child victims more than doubled between 2004 and 2016." .
In our country, the majority of victims are women. In 2018, 144 cases of human trafficking were registered in Azerbaijan, which is 115 facts more than in 2006.
By the way, Azerbaijan has adopted a National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, and at the same time a special police body has been established.
What is the way to fight?
First of all, there is a need to increase awareness. One of the ways to combat this crime is to strengthen the legal and social protection of women and children, to develop and implement programs aimed at solving social problems that create conditions for human trafficking. Involvement of potential victims of human trafficking in socially useful work and ensuring their employment is an important condition.
It is necessary to organize awareness-raising and propaganda work not only in society, but also among potential victims. Victims need to be aware of the dangers that await them, the protection measures, and the legal framework.
And most importantly, it is very important to identify children who are dropping out of school, to pay attention to their training and education. Every teenager that society gains means a reduction in the number of victims ...
Shamil Pashayev